Sunday, September 2, 2007


After visiting two P-Patch gardens in local communities right off of the University of Washington campus, I was astounded at the vast amounts of plant life that were growing right in the middle of the city of Seattle! From the bright red strawberries to the full-grown sunflowers to the scent of the gorgeous roses, the gardens were full of color, life, and beauty.

Our special guest, Teresa Mares, an anthropology grad student, was our unofficial tour guide of the P-Patches. Aside from showing us the different plants throughout the patches, she provided insight from the other gardens she had visited and worked at throughout the city. The P-Patches she described that struck me as the most fascinating were the ones that provided the main sources of food for the people tending the gardens. They did not tend P-Patches as a hobby or an interest, but as the staple of their diet. It is amazing to me that in the middle of an urban city, people can survive off of the food from their neighborhood gardens!

I really enjoyed seeing the two P-Patches and hope to stumble upon a few more throughout the city!

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